Sunday, May 16, 2010

Vermont is for blogberries

Don't call it a comeback! Okay, you should probably call it a comeback. We didn't forget about this blog, exactly, we just ... thought we would do more things from the list during the past 10 months. In truth, we did a lot since the last post: I got a job (whew!), we moved to Dorchester (hooray!), and we unpacked all of our things for the first time after moving from Minnesota. So really, we did a lot of things; we were just using a different list.

Now, back to the real list.

Burlington is not on our list - neither, in fact, are the next few posts - but we've wanted to go there for a while now. When we lived in Minnesota, we had a yearly project called Tour Of The Midwest, in which Lizzie would pick a midwestern city for us to see. These trips always took place in February or March, the months when we most wanted to get out of Dodge. We visited such picturesque places as Duluth, Des Moines, Fargo, and Madison. We decided to continue the tradition (Tour Of The Northeast!), and Lizzie picked Burlington. We went there about a month ago.

All we knew about Burlington was its reputation as a liberal college town. We also knew it had something to do with Phish (they started there) and Ben & Jerry's (they started nearby). It's a lovely city, with lots of shops, restaurants, and lakeside views. We got a few restaurant recommendations from a friend who went to St. Michael's, and because we got very attached to one suggestion, we didn't need the rest. Oh Magnolia Bistro, can we marry you? (Side note: in Burlington, we probably could.) The eggs were perfect, the coffee delicious and plentiful, the waitstaff awkwardly funny. (We had the same waiter two days in a row, and either he didn't notice or didn't acknowledge it.)But I'm getting ahead of myself. We started the weekend with a Friday night performance by P.O.S., our favorite Minneapolis rapper. (I know that sounds like a backhanded compliment, but it's not - the Minneapolis hip-hop community is pretty amazing. So there!) The opener was a very bad rapper named Astronautalis. I wouldn't go out of my way to insult him if he wasn't so damn arrogant and just plain terrible. Yikes. But P.O.S. was amazing as always, giving it his all for a group of kinda-interested college kids. Great way to start the weekend.
We spent most of the trip wandering around the downtown area, especially Church Street, which has lots of little shops and restaurants. We also went to Shelburne Farms, a huge functioning farm with walking trails. It was gorgeous, even though the day was gray and drizzly. The view from Lone Tree Hill (which I kept accidentally calling "One Tree Hill") was especially beautiful.We checked out some other sights, such as the Magic Hat brewery and the Lake Champlain Chocolates factory, but they weren't too interesting. Not compared to amazing brunches, anyway. (We are so old!)

Anyway, Burlington. Go there. Eat some eggs, walk up Lone Tree Hill, see a show. We recommend it. Onward!