A prime example in the Things That Have Changed category: last Sunday, Dave played at a bar called The Squealing Pig. I've been there on multiple occasions and used to go by it every day on the T on my way in to work. But on Sunday, I could not find it. I called multiple current Bostonians, all of whom confirmed that it was right where I was looking for it; none of them had any idea why I couldn't see it. Ultimately, it turned out that sometime in the past five years, a giant building (Mass College of Pharmacy) was erected (that's right) right in front of The Squealing Pig. It was still where it belonged; I just didn't know how to look for it. And that's what being away for five years will do to you.
In addition, the most beautiful spot in the world has stayed the same. I have no idea why this spot is allowed to exist, it's that gorgeous. It's right on the way to Kimball's from our hometown. Every time we pass, all I can think is wonderful, wonderful, wonderful, wonderful, wonderful, and most wonderful and yet again, wonderful.
That building went up in the last year. It takes Boston 2 years to fix a pothole, but they can put up a building in a few months.